Who knew that just by visiting one single website, you would learn so much. Pinterest is my new bestfriend!!! I typed in teachers, education, students, and learned 15 new ways on how to become a successful teacher. I am actually going to take advantage of this website when it comes down to my college degree. When first signing on to Pinterest I did not know what exactly what I was doing. I played around and figured out how to work the website just that fast. If you need activities for students, or looking for science projects this is the website, it has lots of choices to choose from.
I searched the frameworks and found a topic to do my final exam over. Went right to Pinterest and instantly brilliant ideas popped up. I found one idea that was on the website and that was for the students to create what the inner and outer parts of the body looks like.
In the project that I did, we used :
PIPE CLEANERS !!!!!!!! Start by making a small loop on the end of the pipe cleaner. This will be the head.
Make sure to be very generous with how small you make it; The bigger it is, the more likely you are to run out pipe to fold.
After you're sure about the size you've gone with, twist the loop to ensure stability.

we used this to create the human body, and next students are going to label the human body.
after the project is finished students will have different styles but something similar to so:

Want to learn how to create this link will be listed bellowed.
make the legs you will need 1 pipe cleaner:
1) Fold the pipe cleaner in half
2) Twist these to halves together. It should now be a pipe cleaner that is twice as strong and half the length.
3) Fold it so that it is in 3 parts, two legs and a middle.
1) Fold the pipe cleaner in half.
2) Twist it all the way through this time (no hole)
3) Push this halfway through the hole in the body.
4) Fold it in half (upwards)
5) Take one side and push it through the body loop again so that it forms a loop.
6) Do this again on the other side.
The arms are finished.
o make the head you will need 1 pipe-cleaner:
1) Fold the pipe-cleaner in half.
2) Twist it but leave a hole in one end.
3) Poke it through the gap where the arms loop around the body.
4) Push one end through the hole and pull it tight.
5) Now begin to roll it down in a tight spiral.
6) Spiral down as far as you can go.
If you want you can add feet / hands, or wrap another pipe cleaner around his body to make it a bit fatter.
