Well hello everyone, My name is Kaylah Charles and welcome to my blog. One thing that I've learned about this world is that, its going to be very hard for you to succeed in life if you do not have some type of college degree. Which is why I'm currently enrolled at Henderson State University located in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Henderson State University was once a teachers college, which means they have a fantastic teaching program. This is my second year attending this University. I've came to a conclusion to pursue a college degree in Elementary education.
I'm originally from Little Rock, Arkansas where I graduated from J.A Fair Systems Magnet High School. I have always been apart of different school activities, rather its the dance team, drama club or maybe even on the homecoming court. Just being involved is something that I enjoy doing. Another fact that has always interested me is getting pampered. Rather its getting my nails done, toes or even getting my hair done is excites me.
I would definitely call myself the girly-girl out of the family. I am 19 and have 14 year old little brother, which growing up, I was the oldest which means I was the one who had to babysit and make sure that my little brother was alright. Well that was fun to me, because I enjoyed being the boss. The first game my brother and I would play was school. I was the teacher and my little brother was the student. I would assign homework and classwork assignments. I would think of creative activities for my little brother to do. Lets just say that I have a passion for success and for others to be successful as well.
I enjoy learning and figuring out new ways on how I could help myself and others succeed as well. Growing up my younger family members would always come to me for help. Rather its a math problem that they didn't understand or just needed help pronouncing a word. My family members knew that they could come to, and I would help think of ways for them to learn the material. I knew right then and there that I could make a difference in young peoples lives. I want to play a role on why the newer generations are future doctors and future lawyers.
I'm mostly writing this blog to let the younger generation know that once you enter the real world, you have two choices, my way which is staying in school and majoring in a field that you enjoy doing or the highway which means getting a job that you don't really like doing but since you choose the highway you have no choice but to keep going. This blog to motivate people who are going to stay positive and are willing to go through hoops just to succeed.
Growing up my mother was always on my brother and I about how important is was to maintain excellent grades. I'm glad she did and this blog is going to always remind you on how important it is to never give up.
I enjoyed reading about you! Very interesting stuff! I would have liked to see you mention your mother a little bit more throughout your blog.